Tag Archives: Cross Media Marketing

Why Your Email Campaign Needs PURLs. Now!

You’ve been running successful email campaigns for years, why bother adding PURLs now? Well, why would you shout from the rooftop when you can have one-to-one Read More >

Deep Engagement Campaigns – The Right Way To Leverage Customer Information

How can you get very personal, but not too personal? How do you super-customize marketing campaigns for your customers without looking like a stalker? As Read More >

Wrapping Up On Demand 2010 – Note From Our VP of Sales (And Favorite Mentor) Rio Longacre

On Demand 2010 wraps up today in Philly, and if you are at the event and haven’t visited us yet, please do! We’ve had hundreds Read More >

Common Mistakes In Cross Media Production

Here are few mistakes that we frequently see first-time cross media marketers make. Again, guys, the keyword is “common.” Poor list hygiene: A squeaky clean list Read More >

Common Mistakes In Cross Media Sales

We have put together six common mistakes that we have seen cross media sellers make. The keyword here is “common” – everybody does it. So Read More >

Questions To Ask Your Customers (Hint: It Pays To Be Nosy)

Remember the good old days when all you needed to know from your customers was card color, type and quantity? Sigh. They’re gone. With today’s Read More >

Why Pricing Marketing Campaigns Is Like Raising Kids…

So why is pricing a marketing campaign like raising children? If you work at an agency or printer – or, if you are enterprise marketer Read More >

Pricing A Cross Media Campaign: BEGIN AT THE END

That’s right, begin at the end – start with the number of leads that the campaign is expected to generate. Read More >

QR Codes Shorten The Distance Between A Man And His PURL

You send out a direct mail piece with a personalized URL. You’ve done your best with it, and it’s as perfect as it can get. Read More >

93{ac813dd210d411f0e4f3074e8f885da7dff13575d3e6a4391b4a002f2c9b4bd4} Of Marketers Will Increase Digital Marketing Spend, Says Survey

High time we stop whining… Read More >