6 Tips for Using Landing Pages with Dynamic Content

In our multi-channel world where individuals are confronted by more than 5,000 unique marketing messages per day, it’s no surprise that marketers of all stripes are constantly on the lookout for tools and tricks boost conversion rates on their campaign Landing Pages.  Across the industry, Landing Page conversion rates are pretty low, ranging from only 6-11 percent on average. This is a shame, especially when considering the considerable marketing, media and other expenses it takes to drive customers and prospects to the Web in the first place.

According to Marketing Sherpa, up to 80{ac813dd210d411f0e4f3074e8f885da7dff13575d3e6a4391b4a002f2c9b4bd4} of Web visitors leave a Landing Page within eight seconds due to poor relevancy, design or offer. Personalized URLs and Dynamic Landing Pages offer marketers a powerful tool for giving their prospects and customers a personalized and relevant 1:1 experience as they go online to respond to marketing communications. In fact, one of the primary benefits of this technology is that gives marketers access to a powerful ‘Personalization Engine’ that can drive highly personalized and dynamic content on Landing Pages based on user profile data or engagement.

Deploying personalized content in an effective manner is crucial towards improving user engagement and driving results. Here are some tips B2B Marketers can follow to improve user experience and turn more prospects into leads, not to mention improve Web conversion rates and lift campaign ROI.

Everybody likes to see their own name.

It may sound cliché, but it’s true. Welcome the visitor by name increases affinity and makes them feel welcome and at home, lifting conversion rates and improving ROI.

When it comes to response forms, less typing is more.

This one may sound pretty obvious, but make sure the response form is pre-filled with information from the database such as Name, Address, etc. Studies have shown that pre-populating response forms with personal data alone can help boost Web conversion rates by up to 30 percent!

Tailor the headline to your user.

Top performing Landing Pages need a headline that pulls. Use personalization to drive different headlines for all of your list segments. Use headlines that are relevant to the user based on what you know or learn about them.

Use personalized images to visually engage the user.

Most effective Landing Pages include vivid and impactful imagery. Dynamic Landing Pages are no exception. Create business rules to serve up images that are relevant to the visitor’s profile. If you know your prospect is a 35-year-old male marketing executive, for example, use images of someone he may deem to be a peer… not his grandmother!

Learn as you go.

Don’t forget, personalization can be driven based on what you know or what you learn. Ask the visitor questions to find out more about their feelings and interests. With Personalized URL technology, you can then leverage this data to drive further personalization on subsequent pages in the campaign workflow.

Don’t get creepy.

Just because you know something about a user doesn’t mean you need to state it. Keep in mind, people can sometimes react very strongly to what they perceive as their private information being displayed online. Let’s say for example you know your customer has four kids. This doesn’t mean you need to list out their names on the Landing Page. Instead, use this knowledge to drive content, images, copy or offer details that are friendly to those with a family.



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