Designing your Landing Pages for Mobile

A mobile site is a bare-bones version of the PC version that gives users all the basic information they need on-the-go – nothing more, nothing less.  Creating a mobile version for your website may seem like a daunting task. What information should we include or omit for our mobile site? What about the design? How fast will it load? Will it look good on every phone?

Landing Pages for mobile are no different. Here at Easypurl, we consider ourselves to be masters of the Mobile Landing Page. No other cross-channel marketing platform offers such a wide breadth of tools to help you reach out to your customers and prospects in this exciting marketing medium. Our Mobile Landing Page templates, for example, are optimized to display and function correctly on 98{ac813dd210d411f0e4f3074e8f885da7dff13575d3e6a4391b4a002f2c9b4bd4} of mobile device platforms. Moreover, these templates are designed for focused messaging and faster load times.

We also have the tips and tricks you’ll need to create the most effective mobile website around:

1. Use a Mobile Template

Mobile Templates from are ready-to-use and extremely light-weight – which means they can be displayed faster on a mobile device. Moreover, our Mobile Templates are already optimized to display and function correctly across all the major mobile devices and operating systems, including iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Web OS, etc.

2. Design with Screen Size in Mind

Mobile device standards change faster than you can say “Blackberry.” At the start of any project, research the most popular devices and design based on their requirements. As of the publication of this post, industry best practices say start with a 240×240 screen size and leave ALL content within the 240×240 stage. For anything beyond the initial 240 x 240 size, use a repetitive background.

You should also consider the sizing of banners before designing them:

Small banner: 112 x 21

Used on displays that range from 128 x 128 to 128 x 160.

Medium banner: 158 x 30

Used on displays that range from 176 x 208 to 176 x 220.

Large banner: 212 x 40

Used on displays that range from 240 x 320 and larger.

3. Color Change

Use simple colors. If the original design uses “cool blue” and “Pastel orange”, the colors that the majority mobile users might actually see could turn out being “bright blue” and “Florida orange” instead.

4. Navigation is the Key

A lot of overseas mobile phones do not use the 4-way key navigation. They can only navigate with 2-way or “up and down” navigation. Softbank devices, Nokia, etc. have 4-way navigation and, therefore, everyone speculates that it is all that is distributed through out the world. Don’t make this mistake!

5. Know Your Images

Accepted Image types include.png, .gif, and .jpg. As in normal web design make sure to use the standard image types only. No .tifs!

6. Don’t Always Depend on .CSS

Not all mobile browsers allow for the use of .css, so keep that in mind while creating your mobile landing pages.

Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll create a focused and effective mobile website in no time! Does your company have a great mobile website? Let us know in the comments!

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