Email Marketing Tip #2: Saving Your Email From The SPAM, JUNK And TRASH Folders

Getting email delivered is actually more of an art than a science. There are many different Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and each one has its own set of rules interpreting what is legitimate versus SPAM. Up to 95{ac813dd210d411f0e4f3074e8f885da7dff13575d3e6a4391b4a002f2c9b4bd4} of all emails sent are blocked by various ISPs and are not delivered at all.


Use a legitimate email marketing deployment solution – this guarantees that the ISPs have been notified that your messages are legitimate and that the IP addresses you are broadcasting from are not included in any blacklists. Using a legitimate service (like guarantees, at the very least, that the emails should make it through.


Steer clear of SPAM-words – Making it through the ISP’s checks is only part of the battle, however, because making it into the in-box (as opposed to the “bulk mail” or “SPAM” folders) and being opened drive the actual results of your campaign. The subject and content of your message determine whether your message not only makes it into the in-box, but gets opened. Using SPAM-words like “Hello,” “Free,” “Lose weight,” and “As seen on Oprah,” in your subject line increases your SPAM score. The complete list of SPAM words is available for free online. Try to ensure they are not included in the email body either.

Run your email through SPAM scoring software – Before sending out any email communication, run your message through SPAM-scoring software. There are many free and paid solutions available.


A killer subject line – A subject line can literally make or break an email campaign. Effective subject lines are usually short, relevant and catchy.

Easy to read = good results – Who has time to read long, wordy or boring emails? When composing your message, try to arrange it in such a way that it can be easily read and understood in a few seconds tops. Use multiple paragraphs, and be sure to include bullet-points and links.

Don’t forget the email “preview” pane – Most people now scan their emails in the email preview pane. To get them to open the message, you must grab their attention quickly, and with just the top part of the message visible.  For optimal results, make sure that all key aspects of your message – including the call-to-action – are visible in the preview pane.

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